Yeah, I'm pretty hardcore sold on this band. I thought that maybe they were done awe-ing me. But no. Two days ago they released the next segment of their Yearbook EP ("November") and I was again launched into a depth of thought only inspired by lyrics that poetically challenge the mind while serenading the ear. (Can I just say I think I am in love with the previous sentence).
I posted the lyrics from the songs in November in my previous entry.
The first song (Bright and Early), I can relate to... incredibly so. It talks about worlds and relationships falling apart. The reasoning we have that we will grow through the pain and disaster. The fear of allowing people near us; the fear of hope, because we are afraid of losing that warmth, so we would "rather catch a cold". But when it all falls apart, it somehow takes a piece of our soul and if we are patient, our trust can be retied.
I'm still working out exactly the meaning behind Emphasis. But I do largely appreciate the way it explains how answers aren't necessary, just Jesus. He is our light. And even if it seems small to us, it can "reignight the sun". You may be surrounded by darkness, but even your small light has the capability of spreading into others. And then talking about the "6 billion pieces waiting to be fixed". Clearly representing the broken lives of everyone on the planet needing Christ.
101010 I think would be the pacifist's song. "Grey is not a compromise it is the bridge between two sides..."; incredibly profound.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the awesomeness that is the music of Sleeping at Last.
Me off.
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