I have my boy best friend back. (Happiness!) Things aren't exactly like they were before, but I think that might not be a bad thing.
To add to that, God has repaired several of the relationships that were less than acceptable.
As I said previously, 2 of the people that have been struggling with stuff have been starting to come around. Which creates much joy in the pit of my being!! (Can I love that sentence's oddity?)
Oh! My favorite. I received a prophetic painting a few weeks ago. Its in the intern room at church (since that is where I spend the majority of my time). This is a picture of it. I love it so much! It's actually pretty self
explanatory. The path represents life and choices. The arch, contrary to popular belief, does not represent McDonald's. Actually, the painter didn't know what it meant exactly, it was just what God showed her to paint. But its meaning is extremely clear to me. The hands are showing the choice that God is indicating. I will explain all that further in a moment.

This all would be remarkable enough on its own, but then you add to it a doodle I had done at work a bit before. This is shown below.
Crazy right? The sign on the left basically represents Medina and things I want to see happen here. If you look closely enough, you can see a tiny depiction of Medina county in the lower part of the sign. The right is the St. Louis Arch. It was essentially the expression of my confliction between the two geographical locations. My heart is in both places, but where is my goal? I've been conflicted on where my focus should be set for a while.
And its funny, cause after we went there almost two years ago, I knew where I needed to be focused. But over time, well, let's just say things have distracted me, making it difficult to remember what my goal is. Basic point, this painting was and is an answer to prayer. Whenever I find myself losing track of what I'm supposed to be doing, I look at my painting and just talk to Jesus until I can get my focus back.
And obviously, the ultimate goal is Him. But at the moment, one of my short-term goals is to get myself moved out to St. Louis. This may not happen for a few years, but I'm patient. And stubborn. I can stick it out.
Really, life is quite on the good side right now. Its not perfect, but it really is quite nice to not have things constantly coming at me. I'm grateful beyond words for the people God has placed in my life. Without some of whom I really don't know that I would be typing a blog with this tone yet.
All that being said, I don't know that I will be writing here before Christmas. So, I hope you all have a wonderful day of celebrating the earthly arrival of the most amazing Savior ever! I loves you all.
Me off.
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