Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Incense, Concerts and Getting Old

Soo, I tried to post the video of  my sister when she got her wisdom teeth out. Wasn't working so well. I'm gonna keep trying things til I can get it up here.

In other news, my family is taking a trip out to the city I wish I were in (aka, St. Louis) this weekend. Jimmy's graduating. Wish I could go too, but I have to work. It's all good though. I figure if I can stay home and work, then I'll be able to actually save enough money to go in August.

God's been showing me lately that when I declare Him as God, it by default diminishes everything else in my life to a lower position. This is kind of amazing to me, no matter how simple it is. This was shown to me while I was listening to the song "Like Incense/Sometimes by Step" by Hillsong. The one lyric, which is from the "Sometimes by Step" part of the song goes "Oh God, You are my God; And I will ever praise You". This has been the running theme for me lately. I try to remember when I get anxious or upset, or whatever about things that I need to declare Him as God again. Not that me saying that or not saying that changes the fact that He is God, but it's more a reminder to myself. I absolutely love one of the ladies on staff at the church for this fact, too. Every once in a while I'll go in and talk to her about whatever happens to be going on, and every time she reminds me that God is bigger. I don't remember how I discovered this about her, but since I did, that's really why I talk to her about things. Because she always points me back to Jesus. Which I think is mostly what I need more than anything else.

I do love Jesus. So much. My friend, Sarah, posted a short blog here. I encourage you to read it. It's very simply profound.

Had a pretty good birthday recently. Not gonna lie. Wasn't anything huge. But I love the people in my life. They're kinda amazing.

Went to see Brooke Fraser in Cleveland last night. It was kind of amazing. She's surprisingly bizarre. Gotta love it.

On that note, my mother wants on the computer. Soooo

Me off.

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