Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Fictional Story of Kyle

This is a story I wrote a while ago. I actually think I wrote the majority of it while sitting in church... I was paying attention real good that day... No name for it currently.. and I have no idea who "Kyle" is.

One Wednesday morning as I woke up and went about my morning routine, I was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door. Wanting to enjoy my coffee, and thinking that it was probably just an early morning salesman, I ignored it. But the knocking persisted. So I finally got up. When I opened the door I felt a wave of, first, shock, and then guilt. There before my eyes, on my front step, stood Jesus.

I was so shocked that I could only stand there gaping. Finally I gained enough composure and invited Him in. I served Him coffee, not knowing what else to do. Soon enough my curiosity over took me, "Lord, why did you choose to come to my house today?"
"Kyle," He replied, "I came because I love you and I want to see first-hand how you go about your day."

If anything is slightly unnerving its having the Lord of everything following you throughout your day. I tried my best to do what was right. I pulled out my Bible for the first time in months. But as I was reading it, I looked up at Jesus and saw a trickle of blood run down His cheek. I wondered at what it could be, but was too embarrased to ask.

I left for work, going about my routine. Jesus came with me wherever I went. Still trying my best to meet His standards. I did pretty good, in my outlook anywa. I only grumbled about my boss a couple times. The whole day Jesus just sat by quietly without a word.

We got in the car to go home when the work day was over. Jesus still hadn't said anything. I looked over at Him and saw that the trickle of blood was still there, but it looked as though it was also joined by cuts on His back and leg.

When I got home, I wanted to read the newspaper. So I asked Him if that was ok. When He didn't reply, only watching me, I sat down with my paper. I read about wars, abuse and all kinds of other horrible things that put fear in my heart.

After reading the paper I got ready for Wednesday night church. During the service I raised my hands in worship, I bowed down. I took notes on the sermon. It was then that I saw that Jesus was bleeding profusely. No longer were there small scratches. He had blood pouring from His forehead, His shirt was sticking to His back, there were large holes in His hands and feet. There was so much blood I knew He would die if I didn't do something.
I leaned over in the pew and asked, "Jesus, why are you bleeding?"

His reply was only the second thing He said to me all day, but it was th emost profound thing I have ever heard.

He said, "Kyle, these wounds have been growing in numbers all day. One was added for each wrong thing you did. When you grumbled about your boss at work, when you angrily honked at the man in the car in front of you. These things you knew were wrong. What you don't know is that a wound was added when you allowed fear into your heart from readin the paper. When you read your Bible this morning, yes, even then, another wound was added. Your heart was not yearning for Me when you picked it up. You chose to read only because you felt obligated and guilty. When you went to church today and rose your hands, I was again hurt by your insincerity. You see, if you really loved Me, instead of reading your Bible out of duty this morning, you would have been so thrilled by My presence that you would have wanted only to talk to Me. If you would have done that, I could have shown you life with in the pages of My Word. Instead of raising your hands in service, you would have hugged Me and kissed My feet. With each of your actions - the ones that were wrong and the oens that were right but done with the wrong position of the heart - another wound was added to Me. So many of My people don't understand this. I don't want you to seek My Word, I want you to seek Me. I don't want you to chase after what I have to offer, I want you to chase Me for who I am. Kyle, so often what you do is motivated by obligation and duty. When will it be driven by love? Because unless love for Me is your reason, I don't want you to do it."

I found myself bowed, weeping on the floor. When I looked up, Jesus wasn't there anymore, but I heard a still, small voice whisper, "Kyle, I love you."

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