Saturday, August 21, 2010

Refining Fire

So I hadn't seen a giraffe for a while.. but I think I'm making up for lost time. I've seen multiple giraffes each of the past few days. In various locations. Like on a blanket... a picture in a random place... etc.

But anyway.

This has been one of the most intense summers I've experienced. Outwardly it would seem to be uneventful, but if you look below the surface, there was alot. Especially in what God has been teaching me. He's been showing me things in almost every circumstance. Which, to me, is amazing. Because I have felt like He's been mostly silent lately so to have this kind of communication with Him again is like life after death. Come to think of it, maybe that's exactly what it is.

A few days ago I made a list of everything that I've learned this summer. Just because I never want to forget it. I've decided to post parts of that list.

1. God is good. Regardless of our pain. Regardless of our circumstance. His goodness does not change based on human action, inaction, circumstance or emotion. That's kinda part of what makes Him God. We don't have the power to change Him. Therefore, He is good. And I have to trust that goodness. Trust that He knows.

2. Its better to give things to God when He asks you to. Even if you really don't want to. Its alot harder when you realize that you have to choose between that thing and God because you've allowed it to hold such a high position that it is actually competing for the throne of your heart. Bad plan. It hurts bad. So just release when you first sense God prompting you to. It lessens the pain. And who knows, He may bring that thing back around.

3. God restores your heart. Always.

4. This is one of the most treasured things I've learned and clung to. Hosea 2:14-15 "Behold, I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her. I will give her vinyards from there, and the Valley of Achor as a door of hope. She shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt."
This verse has been the theme of my entire summer. Basically what it is saying is this; God is going to draw you into the wilderness. A place where all else is stripped away. There is nothing but you and Him. Its going to be painful, dry, thirsty, hungry... That's how it is. Once you're there; once all else is gone and all you can do is turn and look to Him, He will speak comfort to you. From there, He will give you vinyards... fruitfulness. From that place, you will bear fruit. He will give you the Valley of Achor; the Valley of Trouble as a door of hope. Hope that you can walk through and, through your testimony, so can others. And through that place He will bring you to a place of rejoicing and joy again.

5. God is the only sure foundation. Family will fail you. Friends will fail you. You will fail you. God will not.

6. The refining fire really is a fire. It burns, but through it you are purified. And I'd rather endure that fire now than hell fire later.

7. Our hearts were designed to be filled by an eternal being. Anything less will not satisfy. Expecting carnal things and people to fill that puts way too much pressure on them.

8. I do not have a weak God. His love is strong. Nothing can stand against it.

9. We were never meant to be entertained. We were created to be delighted and delighted in. So why settle for being entertained or amused?

10. Being offended blocks love. Forgiveness clears the path.

11. The difference between a wise man and a fool is that the wise man knows he is a fool.

And that about sums up the main points. I can't wait to see where God takes me next. What He's going to show me. Pray for me though. Because the battle is still raging. Its hard for me sometimes. Alot of times. But I have Jesus. So I'm good.

I love you alls alot!!!!

Me off.

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