Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Tying of the Soul

Soul ties are a confusing subject for me. Or maybe not so confusing as controversial. I'd love to say that they don't exist, except I'm pretty sure they do. I say this because I think I need to break one... and I don't know that I can. Cause... yeah. My sister said something today about her opinions of something that's kinda a fresh wound to me. And, to my horror, it caused me to get really angry. I don't like it. Probably shouldn't be saying this here. I don't know.

I think I'm a bit spoiled in certain areas of life. Not in areas that people are typically spoiled in though. I don't know. I'm not really used to ultimately not getting my way when it comes to my friendships and people that I am surrounded by. Sure, I don't always in the moment, but ultimately, in the end, it usually works out the way I want. And that's probably not good for me. I'm stubborn too. And patient (when it comes to things of this nature). And painfully loyal. I am capable of waiting very long periods of time to get my way. But its not good because I could end up waiting for a long time, and then everything go the opposite way and then I've screwed myself over.

Yaayy. I need to figure some things out. I wish I could see certain things in the future sometimes.

Me off.

Oh, giraffe on tv yesterday.

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