Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Tretise on Being a Bridesmaid (4 going on 27)

My count is up to 4. And while this is still a long way from being in 27 bridesmaid dresses, it feels as if this number could be possible if the rate at which I am acquiring them continues.

Having been in one wedding and with 3 more approaching between this fall and next spring, I've developed several "bridesmaid foundations" that I stand on.

1. The day is not about me. It is about the bride. I will do what I can to remember this and help as much as possible.
2. The key words in the above foundation are "as much as possible". I am not super human nor do I have a never ending finance pool. I will communicate my limitations to the bride, while being sensative to the fact that, within my limitations, I want to do what I can to make the process as enjoyable as possible for her.
3. With God all things are possible. This should probably be number 1. But basically this means that God is aware of what I need as far as money and time. He will provide as long as I'm taking wise steps throughout the process.
4. Swallow the cynicism. Bride's don't want to hear why you don't believe in marriage. I have a hard time with this one... But I think I'm doing better.
5. Enjoy it as much as is possible. This is a difficult one for me, too, being that, as you've seen, my views of such matters have been slightly tainted by cynicism.

There you have it. I in no way execute these things perfectly, but I do find them running through my mind on a fairly regular basis. By the end of this, who knows, maybe I could take Katherine Heigle's place.

Me off.

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