Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weddings, Marriage, Love, What???

All cynicism towards love set aside, there is something that I really don't understand. Weddings. To clarify, I suppose I do understand why people would want to celebrate... but its hard for me to see much to celebrate in marriage besides the ability to have sex. When I see the rejoicing, I sit back and shake my head wondering if they really know what they're about to do to themselves (mind out of the gutter, not what I meant). By that I mean, over the years of marriage, its hard. And this is all being said tongue in cheek as I am not married and therefore do not have the most expertise on the subject. But in what I've seen, marriage is not a walk in the park. So when I experience a wedding, there's a very inherent part of me that is thinking "Congratulations! Welcome to a life of discovering not only your spouse's flaws and annoying habits, but your own too! Welcome to fights. Welcome to finding out that you don't really even like the other person half the time. Welcome to hell."  Bearing in mind that I understand I am wrong on this, it is however, how I currently feel about the subject.

If all that doesn't sound awful enough to make people run the opposite direction, I don't know what would be. Its funny though, because, all of that makes me want to get married even more. So, I don't know if there's something wrong with me there. I enjoy discovering people. Good or bad. Discovering the bad isn't necessarily fun, but its the most amazing thing in the world to watch God redeem it. Mainly for that reason, I hope that God has marriage for me. I look forward to working through life with someone. That and I really want kids. This is something I largely doubt though.

My observations of the world of love tell me that people's understanding of what it is has been brutally warped. If I may be so brazen, people's definition of love has been raped by sex so that now the two words are often synonymous with each other. Because of this, love is viewed as warm, fuzzy, feel-good... etc. etc. But yall know this already probably. If you don't, I'd like to know the address of the rock you live under.

Perhaps my jaded opinion towards all of this is coming from a bitterness at the thought that it may not be intended for me. That's honestly probably the source of it. Well, it's from a couple different place actually. I applaud those who have seen and experienced first hand the same devestation that I have when it comes to this matter and still have the courage to enter into a life with someone else. I really truly pray that God would be the center of all the marriages that are happening... and the ones that already exist. Cause any alternative doesn't work.

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