Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Conundrum of Ink

I want a tattoo.

But I'm terrified of needles. I mean seriously terrified. I passed out before they put me out for my wisdom teeth when I saw the needle. They lied to me. Before I went in they told me they were going to use gas... they used a needle. I think my mother approved this behind my back.

Anyway, point is, I want a tattoo, but I'm in a conundrum. Even excluding the fact that I don't have money for one right now.

Conundrum is a fun word. I think its one of my favorites, ranking among "propensity", "constituency", and "vehemently".

I saw a fat giraffe yesterday in Walmart. It was a stuffed animal. It gave me a puzzled expression and made me laugh.

Ink makes me think of octopuses... octopi? What is that pluraled? "Aw guys, you made me ink..." - The octopus from Finding Nemo.

Trucks are amazing. I got to drive my dad's a bunch while my car was in the shop. Every time I get to do so, I'm reminded that I want one. Possibly dark green... Its just so much fun to be bigger than most people on the road.

I decided a while ago that I don't think I can be with any guy who can't make me a sunset. I don't mean a depiction of a sunset. I mean a literal sunset. I think that this may have doomed me to singleness for the forseeable future. However, I am open to someone who can give me an exceptionally realistic depiction of a sunset.

Maybe if I ever change my resolve to not consume alcohol, sometime I'll let myself get drunk and go get a tattoo... That way maybe I won't really feel it. I would, of course, already know what I wanted to get so I wouldn't get something stupid. ... The likelyhood of this happening is pretty much zero.

Oh. Blogger stinks. I edited a bunch of stuff in my HTML code a few weeks ago, and they changed it back to normal. I dislike.

I think I'm done expressing thoughts as they cross the forefront of my mind now (hehe. "Forefront" is  rhetorical...)

Me off.

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