Monday, October 11, 2010

Of Widows, Orphans and Practice Sermons

Being a part of an internship that is aimed at preparing you for ministry, occasionally it is required of us to write and give sermons. When thinking about the prospect of doing so, I tend to dread it, but usually once I start into whatever I'm preparing for I find that I enjoy at least the preparation part of it. I like searching out and discovering different aspects of God and His Kingdom.

Recently, Pastor Zach gave us the assignment to prepare a 10-20 minute sermon from some pre-prepared (redundant?) sermons found on Suffice it to say, procrastination has been my companion when it comes to this project as we are giving them for each other on Thursday and I haven't really done much, if any, work on it until today. I drew the topic "Widows and Orphans". Which is a rather broad topic and a little difficult to narrow down an angle to approach it from. Not to mention the necessity of tying said topic into the subject of abortion. Fortunately, we don't have to focus on abortion as our main point, we just need to mention it.

Aaanyway, I had so much fun prepping for it today that I thought I'd post some of my notes thus far. I tend to write my thoughts out in full sentences and paragraphs for things like this, then after that I can condense them into less specific points. It's easier for me to see my full thought and then make simpler points that remind me of said thought. So, though they be a bit scattered, here you go.

What would happen, what would it look like, if we started walking out what we talk about?

You know, I almost didn't want to speak on this.. I just wanted to sit here and stare at you with a slide on the screen that said "move", until you did. But being that I may have failed this assignment, I conceded.

James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

I want you to think of one proble with the world today, big or small. Now think of the polar opposite of that problem; what it would be like if it were fixed. Perhaps for you this means a world where we not only live without war, but in peace because we've learned to truly love. Maybe its a place where poverty has vanished and everyone has what they need. Maybe its a place where all babies are allowed the opportunity to explore life. Now what is one step that would need to be taken to reach that solution? ... What's holding you back?

Jars of Clay sings one of the most profound, convicting songs I've heard called, "Oh My God". Some of the lyrics go, "Sometimes when I lose my grip; I wonder what to make of Heaven; All the times I had to reach up; All the times I had to give; Babies underneath their beds; Hospitals that cannot treat; All the wounds that money causes; All the comforts of cathedrals; All the cries of thirsty children; This is our inheritance; All the rage of watching mothers; This is our greatest offense".

Our greatest offense... That's pretty heavy. But Jesus said that whatever we do to the least, we have done to Him. Are we mocking Him? Are we asking Him why He doesn't have a job? Are we judging Him? Are we driving across town to avoid Him? Even worse, are we completely ignoring Him? We're supposed to seek out the Kingdom of Heaven, what if that means we need to seek out those who need? What if the pearl of great price is found in the slums?

The Bible says in James 4:17, "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." Something to think about. Have you repented; turned 180 degrees and started running in the opposite direction, of this sin?

 We sing the song, "What does it sound like when we sing Heaven's song? What does it feel like when Heaven comes down? What does it look like when God is all around?" And in the emotion and passion of experience, we believe that what we feel in that moment is the answer to those questions. But really, if we want to see what it looks like when God is all around, are we willing to walk into the slums? Are we willing to experience the song of Heaven when a child's cries are changed to laughter because you chose to take an active role in his or her life? What if, in order to know what it feels like when Heaven comes down to earth, we had to open our hearts to experience the pain and grief of others so that we could more effectively love them into the Kingdom. Another quote from the Jars of Clay song, "Take away my firm belief and graft my soul upon Your grief".

How much are you willing to sacrifice? Because this isn't merely a call to give your money. Its not simply asking for your time. Its a call to an involvement of your heart and what God has placed in it. Yes, you will be vulnerable. You may be hurt. But God has your back. He works all things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to  His purpose. Don't worry about anything, but in everything by prayer, petition and while giving thanks (and praise?) let God know what your requests. Then His peace, which is greater than you can understand, will guard your heart.

Bottom line is this; we can keep talking or preaching about this stuff. I know we all have heard countless messages about it, read countless books... We know this stuff. But when are we going to do it?

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